Type A Companies ..
I guess most of you have heard the leadership personality types classifications mantra oft repeated by management gurus and speakers. That a type A hires type A or A+ types . On the other hand , Type B leaders hire type C and type C hires type D and soon the company becomes a bozos carnival... etc., etc., However, in the " dark arts of management " section, where you wouldn't normally go - to check out books - from the library of leadership, there is a corollary to this adage. If you are a type A leader and actually hired all type A and A+ colleagues, very soon you would encounter a fork in your career path ... You would be deemed replaceable as you have built a great line of succession and substitution bench strength. or You would be deemed a great asset and be given better opportunities to provide your services at a higher strategic level. Now comes the corollary from the dark arts of management .. If you work fo...